Transspirituality Wiki

Transspirituality as a phenomenon defies any conventional attempt to label and define it. Every attempt in this Wiki can easily elicit objections. There will be numerous alternatives to describing the many aspects of transspirituality. Some of these concepts are more enduring than others, and perhaps vital to fully comprehending the nature of transspirituality. This page is dedicated to these core concepts.

Growth Cycles[]

The wellness wheel illustrates many aspects of the cycles in nature, including the cycles of natural growth. This includes the growth cycles within us humans.

Medicine Wheel[]

An ancient Native American symbol that illustrates the many cycles in nature. Some of the basic ideas about transspirituality is based on what can be learned from the Medicine Wheel.


Transconventionality describes the general phenomenon of transcending conventional norms. It encompasses a broader field of human experience than transspirituality. Transspirituality is the spiritual experience of the intuitive experience of being compelled to transcend culturally relative conventional norms.

Wellness Needs[]

Each phase of the growth cycle represents a distinct set of needs. How each phase of needs is addressed, or not addressed, affects the next phase of needs. This continues in a perpetual cycle.

Wellness Wheel[]

Introduction to this traditional symbol otherwise known as the medicine wheel or sacred circle.


A fresh vocabulary to illuminate these fresh concepts.